John Chambers Green Roof & Coast Wildflower Plug Plants, The plants in the collection are tolerant to coastal areas and green roof gardens.
A minimum of 10 species will be chosen from the following list, and used in equal quantities:
Achillea millefolium | Yarrow |
Agrimonia eupatoria | Common Agrimony |
Anthyllis vulneraria | Kidney Vetch |
Centaurea nigra | Common Knapweed |
Centaurea scabiosa | Greater Knapweed |
Daucus carota | Wild Carrot |
Echium vulgare | Viper’s Bugloss |
Galium verum | Lady’s Bedstraw |
Knautia arvensis | Field Scabious |
Leontodon hispidus | Rough Hawkbit |
Leucanthemum vulgare | Oxeye Daisy |
Linaria vulgaris | Common Toadflax |
Lotus corniculatus | Birdsfoot Trefoil |
Malva moschata | Musk Mallow |
Plantago lanceolata | Ribwort Plantain |
Plantago media | Hoary Plantain |
Primula veris | Cowslip |
Prunella vulgaris | Self Heal |
Ranunculus acris | Meadow Buttercup |
Ranunculus bulbosus | Bulbous Buttercup |
Reseda luteola | Weld |
Rhinanthus minor | Yellow Rattle |
Silene vulgaris | Bladder Campion |
Verbascum nigrum | Dark Mullein |
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