Alisma plantago aquaticum Water plantain

Alisma plantago aquaticum Water plantain


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When mature this plant sends up many flower stems with multiple delicate white flowers and broad, lanceolate leaves. It is also said to be a cure for rabies hence it is sometimes called Mad Dog weed. Likes to be kept constantly moist.

Repotting or planting

9cm marginal plants require potting into a larger mesh basket. Place in a pond no deeper than 1/3 maximum recommended planting depth to allow the plants to establish. 1ltr marginal plants do not require repotting, place in the pond no deeper than 1/2 maximum recommended planting depth to allow the plants to establish, plants over 60cm height growth will benefit from repotting into a larger mesh basket or should be planted in gravel to prevent them from falling over. 3ltr and 5ltr plants do not require repotting, as they are larger more established plants they can be placed up to the maximum recommended depth. There is no need to remove the mesh basket.

Care instructions

Remove flower heads soon after flowering to encourage new flowers and prevent self-seeding. Trim old foliage after dying back in Autumn



Growth rate





Full sun to part shade


Spring Summer

Measurements in centimetres

Height Min -Max


Depth Min-Max
